Twitter e parolacce: 9 scoperte della scienza

Quante parolacce circolano su Twitter? Più o meno rispetto a quante si dicono di persona, faccia a faccia? Quando se ne dicono di più? Sono più volgari gli uomini o le donne? A queste e altre domande risponde una ricerca straordinaria fatta… Continue Reading


Vote for Parolacce!

Even this year Parolacce.org was selected for the finals of “Top 100 language lovers“: an international competition organized by the language portals bab.la and Lexiophiles. All the Internet users around the world are invited to vote for the best language professional blogs selected by… Continue Reading


The true story of Stronzo Bestiale (and other scientific jokes)

Would you read a paper written by Stronzo Bestiale (Total Asshole)? A dose of mistrust would be justified: the name says it all. Yet, in 1987, professor Bestiale, supposedly a physicist in Palermo, Sicily, authored major papers in prestigious scientific… Continue Reading